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Once the employees have been assigned, the payroll documents are delivered.

Delivering documents

The next step is to send the employees their documents by clicking on the corresponding button.


Scopevisio archives the required documents for the payroll run in the back office (also Teamwork). Successful delivery is indicated by a tick in the table, just like the booking beforehand.


Individualize the information mails to your employees

Various emails are sent to your employees during the set-up and delivery process:


If you load them into the list of standard text modules, you can edit the texts and adapt them to your company. For better differentiation, these text modules all start with L&G.

Further options - the archive

Further options are available to you with "Print archive/statement" and "Open archive". You have previously defined which documents are to be printed for the employees using the type of delivery "Letter (PDF)" or in the business object "Distribution of documents" in the settings.
If an archive has already been posted or delivered, it can no longer be removed. In this way, Scopevisio also complies with the documentation obligation.


Access in Teamwork

The payroll accountant's perspective

The payroll accountant has insight into and access to all documents selected in the payroll settings. They are located in the "Payroll back office" and "Payroll - employee XY" collections automatically created in Teamwork.

The employee perspective

Employees receive their payslips in the collections created for them in Teamwork. This gives them secure access to their individual documents from anywhere and Scopevisio also complies with the GDPR.