The workstation gives you direct access to frequently used forms and templates.
Call up the workspace
If you are still using the old menu tree, select the star-shaped favorites icon to display the workspace. This is displayed in a separate tab.
The favorite is added to the workplace menu. Click on the name of the favorite to open it in a new tab.
Changes or filters that you have made to a form are not saved under Favorites, but under Templates or Worklists.
Removing favorites
To remove a favorite from the workspace, right-click on its name and select Remove.
Enter yourself as a user to display your tasks.
Enter the time period and possibly the project and/or contact for which you want to display the tasks. (Projects are not available in the Smart Line).
There are three task statuses: Pending, Started and Completed. It makes sense to only display the tasks that have not yet been completed.
Click on the work list icon or drag the Tasks tab to the My work lists menu item to save the list.
You can also filter by keywords or specific contents of table columns.
Saving the task list
After clicking on the to-do list icon, a dialog box prompts you to give the to-do list a name. Do this and click OK.
The illustration below shows how you can define a scoper. You select Activities > Activity journal, define your settings and click on the list icon next to the Activity journal profiles field. A pop-up window will ask you to enter a name for the scoper. Once you have done this, the new scoper will be listed on your workstation and under the activity journal profiles.
How you can receive notifications via Slack is explained here.