Versionen im Vergleich


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With Scopevisio, you can easily create different invoice types with just a few clicks. Each invoice type has some special features. For example, down payment and partial payment invoices are not subject to VAT when they are issued, but only when payment is received. Down payment and partial payment invoices are also to be shown without affecting profit or loss, as they are not revenue.

In the case of final invoices, you can choose from the down payment, partial payment and partial invoices belonging to the customer, the project or the order in order to allocate them to the final invoice.

Which invoice type for what?

  • A down payment invoice is used when the invoicing party has not yet provided a service or delivery. It is also referred to as an advance payment invoice.
    VAT is due when the customer pays the advance payment invoice.

  • A partial invoice is used when part of the service has already been provided but the service cannot be specified. For example, the contractor invoices 30% without being able to specify whether, for example, 28% or 35% of all cables have been laid.
    VAT is due upon payment of the partial invoice by the customer.

  • The term partial invoice is used when the invoiced service has already been provided and - in contrast to the partial invoice - can be specified and described. There is a performance date/period. For example, the contractor invoices the excavation work after the excavation pit has been dug.
    VAT is due when the invoice is issued.

  • A final invoice is when the service has been completed and a final invoice is issued, taking into account the previous invoices and determining the remaining payment amount.

Invoice types down payment/advance payment invoice


The fields for the corresponding accounts (8) for advance payments / partial invoices are already stored in Scopevisio, taking into account the various tax rates. To adapt these to your requirements, follow the path Settings > Master data > Billing > Edit revenue account preallocation > Standard accounts for down payments/advance payments.

In order to use the down payment/discount invoice function, the extended revenue account assignment must not be activated.

You can use (9) to delete or copy entire item lines (10) and the arrows offered under (11) to change their order.


If you want to create your invoice as a PDF for printing, edit it in LibreOffice or assign another document layout in .dot or .odt format instead of sending it by email, you can do this under (13). More about document layouts can be found in this chapter.

You can also enter an immediate payment using the multifunction button (13). This means that the customer pays the invoice in cash on the spot. The cash payment is collected in a cash register. If you select this option and click the button, a window opens in which you can specify which cash register should be used to collect the money. Make sure that the corresponding cash sheet is open.


Select a document layout customized for the final invoice (4). You can customize our editable document layouts in advance. This means you can also print final invoices that result in a credit for your customer using a separate document layout or text module. We recommend using LibreOffice for the customizations.


This final invoice lists all items to be invoiced (gross statement), and by allocating previous down payment, partial or partial invoices as well as the payments received and allocated, the remaining payment total and the tax contained therein is calculated. The final invoice can be a zero invoice or even be negative, i.e. turn into a "credit note" (correction invoice).

Special features when posting sales tax

Down payment and partial payment invoices entail transfers of VAT. You can find more information on this in the chapter"Finances > Recording VAT correctly".