Versionen im Vergleich


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You can generate all documents in Scopevisio, including reminders, in foreign languages. How this works is explained below using the example of an English-language invoice. You can create a maximum of five languages that use the Latin alphabet.

Activate language support


Note: Detailed instructions on creating layouts can be found in the chapter Document layouts.

Settings in the product catalog


Open the contact who is to receive the English-language invoice and enter the value English in the Language field in the Communication business object.

The setting must be made in the General role because it is a master data entry.

Caution trap: If you create the invoice directly from the customer view, you must set the language setting in the customer in the Customer tax/currency business object to English.


Prepare invoice

Of course, you can not only list invoice items, units and amounts in English, but also insert an introductory and/or concluding sentence in the document or, if you send your invoices by e-mail, an e-mail text.


For more details, please refer to the section Creating and using text modules in the chapter Document layouts.


Import layout

To import the English invoice layout, select OpenScope > Import/Export > Manage document layouts and click on Add and upload file. A form opens in which you can select the invoice layout from your computer.


Further information

In the chapter Document layouts chapter, you can find out more about how to use the rule wizard for document layouts automate special actions for your foreign-language invoices and provide your provide your individualized layout in Scopevisio.

Writing individual invoices
