Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
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  1. Version table export
    If you use the export function in Scopevisio to export a table (e.g. the contact overview) to Teamwork that is already saved there, you can choose whether the new table is generally saved as a new version (the old one is overwritten, but can be restored), whether it should always be added as a new document, or whether this should be queried first each time.

  2. Document sharing
    If you upload documents from Scopevisio to Teamwork yourself, these are only visible to you. If you would like to share individual documents directly with certain teams, you can display the corresponding dialog when uploading.

  3. Attachments for comments
    Here you decide whether you want to automatically upload documents that you attach to comments on your contacts to Teamwork or not. This is particularly relevant if you have emails automatically saved as comments on the contact and can therefore use this function to decide whether the email attachment should be transferred to Teamwork.

  4. Upload receipts directly
    If you create accounting receipts (such as invoices, quotes, etc.) as PDFs, you can use this setting to upload them to Teamwork at the same time as they are created. The creator of the receipt is then specified as the uploader in Teamwork.

  5. Voucher stamp
    Here you can choose whether you want to leave your vouchers unchanged when uploading to Teamwork or add a cover sheet or status stamp. The cover sheet and status stamp will be adjusted to the new status during the next synchronization, e.g. when a payment is received. If it is decided that the documents should be stamped, this stamp can no longer be removed afterwards. The setting applies to incoming invoice, outgoing invoice and procurement documents.

  6. Automatic document synchronization
    In addition to the manual and direct upload of external files, you can automatically synchronize documents that you have created in Scopevisio. To avoid multiple uploads, only one user can activate automatic synchronization. To do this, select the Synchronize under my name option. All PDFs created in Scopevisio (quotes, orders, invoices, etc.) are uploaded to Teamwork. Automatic synchronization takes place every 15 minutes. The user under whose name the documents were synchronized is specified as the uploader of the documents in Teamwork.

  7. Simultaneous document editing
    Choose between different time intervals within which you are warned that colleagues are also working on the same document - or decide against this warning. In this way, you can avoid duplicating work or overwriting each other's changes.

  8. External link document layout
    You can use Select to customize the message that is sent when an external link is created. You can see the standard text in the image below (8). You can find detailed information on the HTML layout of this message here.

  9. Standard collections
    If you change the default setting here, documents that are displayed in tasks, contacts or projects in the "Documents" business object are also automatically uploaded to Teamwork in the standard folders "Tasks", "Contact files" and "Projects (tasks)" under the "Organization" category.

  10. Documents in folders
    The documents are only displayed in the corresponding subfolders, but not additionally in the parent folders, which increases clarity.

  11. Collection tree
    The collapsed state only shows the closed categories. Select the other option if you always want to see the last display status restored when Teamwork is opened. All previously opened folders and subfolders are displayed expanded.

  12. Teamwork categories
    This setting option only exists for historical reasons - please leave it untouched.

  13. Document filter
    Select the ideal setting for you from various filter options. You can see the two alternatives in the screenshots below.

  14. Colors
    If the light mode is too bright for you, go easy on your eyes with the dark theme.

  15. Open Office 365 locally or online
    By default, Teamwork opens your documents created in Office 365 locally - but if you work a lot with colleagues on the same document, you can set Teamwork to open it immediately in the web browser. This shows you in real time which colleagues are currently working on the same document and where. The prerequisite for this is an Office 365 company account and a one-time login to establish the link with Scopevisio. More on this topic here.
