Versionen im Vergleich


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Open items can be paid from Scopevisio by bank transfer, but you can also collect receivables as a SEPA core direct debit. The clearing takes place in the background in one step.
You can generate and export a SEPA XML file as well as transmit it directly via finAPI - you don't even leave Scopevisio.

Create payment run

In the old menu tree, follow the path Finance > Banks > Transfers, in the new menu ribbon Finance > Payment runs > Transfers to display a list of your payment runs. You can edit, remove or cancel the runs listed here using the action buttons at the bottom of the screen.


  1. Fields in which mandatory entries are missing are highlighted in dark yellow. More on this below.

  2. You can have a house bank account inserted automatically via Apply house bank assignment rules. See the article Bank statement rules. Different accounts may also have been created in the vendor master data. The specific details in the vendor overwrite the less specific details in the house bank assignment rules.

  3. Edit the selected payment, e.g. by changing the payment amount or adding a reason for payment.

  4. The Always take discount checkbox is only used in exceptional cases. A cash discount would be taken here regardless of the payment date. Discount rates and conditions are created in the vendor's master data.

  5. When you are finished, you can generate your files and postings. This creates an XML file that you can import into your banking software or online banking.
