Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.

You can convert a potential or a quotation into an order. Both documents are then linked together in the document flow.

Creating orders

Select Organization > Orders > Add if you are not creating the order from a preceding document.


  • Status of the order
    This value is changed automatically, e.g. when the order is transferred to an invoice, but can be changed manually.

  • Language
    Is pre-assigned from the customer, relevant for the layout rule assistant.

  • Place of performance
    The field is pre-assigned from the invoice recipient's address.

  • Tax subject
    The tax subject controls the revenue account and tax key determination in conjunction with the revenue account preallocation and therefore the tax amount depending on the product type.

  • Price information
    Control whether the prices are assigned net or gross. See also the information on the product master. In the case of a gross display, the line-by-line item discount is not available.

  • Service date from ... to
    The fields are also used internally to pre-assign deferred income (see below).

  • Posting date
    The invoice enters financial accounting (sales taxation, reports) on this date. You can have this pre-assigned on the basis of the document or service date(accounting settings).

  • Predecessor and successor
    If you work with the automated document process, you can see the upstream documents (quotation, order) and the downstream correction invoices here.

  • Information for customer advisors
    Customer-related data that is important for invoicing can be stored here. The content is displayed on a customer-specific basis and is therefore visible in every order for the same customer.


Select the field Show as paid on exported receipt (2) to document on the billing document, for example, that the customer paid immediately by credit card. The payment has then been made, but not yet booked and not yet credited to your account.


Many payment terms are already available ex works under Select payment terms.


Here you can specify which introductory and closing text is output on your billing document. You can use text modules use text modules.

Select Insert text module or Replace text module to insert prepared texts into the voucher without entry effort and typing errors.
