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Mobile and flexible with REISE2GO: Record, manage and submit your travel expenses on the go, check trips that have already been entered and access your data at any time - no matter where you are. As in the other 2GO applications, you can also view and edit your contacts, tasks or documents stored in Teamwork.

Log in

To use the web app, log in to or access the link via your Scopevisio portal. You will need the same login information as for the Scopevisio application on your computer.

Alternatively, you can also download REISE2GO as an app directly from the App Store or Google Play Store onto your mobile device.

We recommend working with the native apps on smartphones or tablets, as these make ideal use of the comparatively small screen surface.

Basic functions of REISE2GO


By default, REISE2GO opens in the Travel menu item. This is highlighted in yellow due to its selection. All trips already entered by the user are clearly displayed here in a table.


Arrow symbols help you to navigate and scroll. In many views you will also find icons for editing (pencil) and saving (diskette) or canceling (X).


With REISE2GO you always have the following menu items at your fingertips: Travel, Calendar, Time entries, Contacts, Tasks, Documents and Settings. The individual functions are described below.


All trips already entered are displayed in the Trips menu item.

You can add a new trip using the New button.

The following shortcuts are available for entering dates quickly:


Yellow fields are mandatory fields. These include details of the traveler and the start and destination addresses.


At the end of the form, you will be shown the total of the recorded travel expenses, the advance payment (if applicable) and the total amount requested (reimbursement amount).



The Calendar tab displays your calendar stored in Scopevisio from within REISE2GO . Here you can search for specific trips, projects, time entries or tasks, for example. Trips that have already been entered are entered in your calendar and are highlighted in color. Click on the highlighted area to open the trip you have already entered and all relevant information will be clearly displayed.


Time entries

  1. Create a new time entry.

  2. Release an entry for billing.

  3. Select a time interval for display.

  4. Here you can see the reference object, e.g. project, to which the time entry belongs and can open it via the link.

  5. shows you the status of your recorded time entry.

  6. Use the action button to contact the client or create a task.


You can also create a trip directly from a time entry:

Open a time entry that has already been created and click on the suitcase icon at the top left.
The travel expense entry form opens, in which all the necessary fields have already been filled with the data from the time entry.



The Projects menu item offers you the following options

  1. Create a new project directly from the app.

  2. The filter and the search field allow you to customize the view.

  3. Tap on a project to go to its detailed view.

  4. Scroll through the project view.



The Contacts menu item gives you access to your Scopevisio contact management with all associated information. You can restrict the view in the filter field.


  1. create new contacts

  2. change and complete existing contacts

  3. write an e-mail to the contact

  4. call the contact

  5. create a task for the contact owner with reference to the contact. For this, we recommend using the landscape view on a tablet without an expanded menu.



The Tasks menu item provides access to a task list.

  1. Search for specific terms in your tasks.

  2. You can create new tasks here.

  3. Click on one of the tasks to open its details, which - like the task itself - can also be edited from within REISE2GO . To do this, click on the details provided with a link or on the pencil symbol in the top right-hand corner.

  4. Click on the action button to create a new task for the employee in question.



In the Documents menu item, you can access Scopevisio's document management system Teamwork:

  1. You can upload new documents directly from your mobile device to Teamwork.

  2. Here you can enter a search term for a full-text search.

  3. To limit the full-text search, you can filter on the collections available to you. The filter setting will be displayed.

  4. You can access your Teamwork web client via the Teamwork Weblogin link.

  5. Click on the document preview to display the document.

  6. Clicking on an empty space below the reference file opens a new form with general information, further details, comments, versions and the document preview.


You can also easily scan your receipts with your smartphone and save them directly in Teamwork.


You can customize REISE2GO under Settings :
