Versionen im Vergleich


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Scopevisio can significantly speed up and simplify your work processes if you post digital receipts.

This has the following advantages for you:

  • Document information is read and many details in the posting screen are filled in automatically.
    This is done by OCR full-text recognition or by processing structured (XML) data,
    e.g. for invoices in Zugferd format or XRechnungen.

  • The digital receipt is linked to the booking and is available at all times.

  • All processing is logged and documented in Scopevisio in compliance with GoBD.

In the following, we will demonstrate the preparation and the different import methods using incoming invoices.


This method processes approx. 15 documents at once. This is recommended if you initially collect the documents and import them daily, for example. Perhaps your scanner does not have scan-to-mail or you frequently download documents from portals. Each batch can be provided with information for the accounting department. You can specify a document type for each batch, which is why this import is also suitable for importing outgoing invoices. Read more under OpenScope > Voucher Document import.

Upload receipts via folder synchronization


You can simply forward emails with invoices to your personal email address and specify the document type in the subject line via [AR] for outgoing invoice, [ER] for incoming invoice or [Beleg] for other document. Of course, you can also send such an e-mail directly.

Suppliers send invoice emails directly to Scopevisio

Create a company email address and share it with your supplier or store it in your supplier's customer area. Future emails with invoices will then be sent directly to Scopevisio.
