Products (General)
Product details
Depending on the type of product, this GO is called "Service details", "Product details", etc.
Product group
Product groups help to manage the products. Read more about product groups here.Product number
Click on the link to insert a product number automatically.Product name
Product description
Technical description
Product type
Scopevisio distinguishes between the product types goods and materials (both physically tangible) and services and rights (intangible). These are also relevant for sales tax (delivery vs. service).Fixed sales unit / sales unit
If the unit is fixed, it cannot be changed in the billing.Base unit
Sub-unit / sub-unit per base unit
Planned value
Subject to batch / expiry date
Dangerous goods / dangerous goods class
Material group
Billable / Blocked
If the product is billed to the customer, set "Billable" to Yes.Blocked
Blocked products are no longer available for use in newly created sales documents. However, blocked products are still visible in old sales documents and for evaluations (product usage).You can see in which documents this product has been used via the Show usages link.
If you enter the invoice type here, a filter function takes effect during invoicing and only displays products for selection that are intended for this invoice type.
Posting accounts
Unit matrix, purchasing/storage
Unit matrix, sales
Composition, bundle
Used in products
Custom fields