Update from October 15, 2020


Top innovations in feature set 110 (FS110)

News from the invoice

Customizable tax facts instead of fixed tax base, extended standard revenue accounts and country-specific tax rate types that can be stored in the product master

In the last feature set, we already pointed out that we are working on optimizing our invoicing. We are therefore aiming for a full range of functions outside Germany. In addition, cross-border transactions and special VAT features can be better taken into account.

Thanks to the changes implemented in this feature set, you can now, for example, specify a place of performance that differs from the stored recipient address. This manual intervention has an impact on the taxable event, formerly known as the tax base, which is automatically drawn accordingly, but can also be adjusted afterwards. The revenue accounts also automatically follow this new logic and are correctly assigned and posted to according to the circumstances.

If you are liable for tax in several countries, you can now make use of the option to store tax rate types directly on the product instead of fixedtax rates. This allows you to define a specific tax rate type for each country which, in combination with the tax facts, automatically addresses the correct revenue account when posting - regardless of whether you are working with the standard revenue accounts or individual accounts.

New conditions corresponding to the new logic have also been added to the document rules under Master data > Document layout > Manage rules for document layouts and text modules.

Read the details in the articles "Invoices", "Editing revenue account preallocation" and "Editing tax matters".

Further new features

System menu

My Scopevisio: SCOPEVISIO2GO instead of STARTER2GO

If you previously logged into the various 2GOs via STARTER2GO, this is now much clearer. SCOPEVISIO2GO, which bundles everything into one, only shows you the main functional areas in the license scope you have booked.
System menu > My Scopevisio


Teamwork: more sharing options

If subfolders have been shared with you as a user, you can also share them with other users. Or you can revoke the release yourself to get a little more order in the folders displayed to you when you no longer need them.
Organization > Teamwork


Posting: optional plausibility check of tax key and tax type

When posting, have Scopevisio automatically check whether the tax key and the tax type entered in the G/L account (optional) correspond. To do this, assign a tax type to the G/L accounts stored in your chart of accounts under System menu > Manage accounting > Chart of accounts in the "Tax" business object. Under System menu > System administration > Companies: Manage company > "Posting settings" business object, activate the "Activate check for tax type" function. When making a posting, Scopevisio then checks the consistency between the tax key used and the tax type entered in the account.
Finance > Postings

Open items debtors/creditors: more lines can be displayed per page

You can now display up to 2000 lines per page in the individual view of the open items of your debtors or creditors. To do this, select the desired number of lines in the additional actions of the individual view of the open item management.
Finance > Receivables/payables

Sales tax validation: Display of direct tax posting validation

If you activate the "Show direct tax postings" function at the top right of the form, you will see these shown separately in the "Input tax" and "Sales tax" business objects. They can be found below the lines specified with the tax key and indicator. Please note that in this case there is an automatic difference, as the direct tax postings have no information on turnover and the calculated tax.
Finance > Sales tax


News from Wage & Salary

Certificates created with Scopevisio L&G can now be distributed to employees as well as archived in the back office. To do this, select the document types "Certificates for the business premises" and "Employee certificates" in the "Distribution of documents" business object in the Manual area under Personnel > Wage & salary > Wage & salary settings.

If documents are archived incorrectly in the back office, archiving can be triggered again.
Personnel > Wage & salary


The fields "Payment reference" and "Country code" have been added to the following endpoints:

  • GET /outgoinginvoice

  • POST /outgoinginvoice/new

  • POST /outgoinginvoice/{number}

  • GET /journal/{documentNumber}

  • GET /incominginvoice

  • POST /incominginvoices

New web services have been created for retrieving comments on projects, contacts and tasks, which can be searched and filtered:

  • POST /contact/{contactId}/comments

  • POST /project/{projectId}/comments

  • POST /task/{taskId}/comments

Profiles and licenses for the current user have been added to the endpoint GET /myaccount without requiring administrator rights.

An incoming invoice can be changed via the new web service: POST /incominginvoice/{id} as long as it has not yet been verified.