BI Reports

BI Reports

Keep track of your reports created with external BI programs and access them with Scopevisio with a single click by easily linking external reports in Scopevisio.

More information about Microsoft Power BI can be found here.

Assign rights

To be able to integrate your BI reports into Scopevisio, you need the "BI reports" right in the "Finance - all rights" profile.

Store a report

Once you have assigned the rights, you will see the desired menu item under Finance > Reports > BI Reports (1). Click on "Add new report" (2).

In the Controlling report form, enter

  1. enter a unique name for your report and

  2. its known URL. These are the only mandatory fields.

  3. Add an optional description so that you can better differentiate between many reports.

  4. The information is purely informative and relates to the time period displayed in the report.

  5. If you click on Edit here, you can specify who is allowed to view this report and authorize either individual users or all users to whom a specific profile is assigned. To do this, select "User-defined" under Authorization in the subsequent form and add the relevant profiles or users.

  6. Save your entries and use the arrow on the right to return to the preliminary form.

In the Business Intelligence form, you will see the "Customer projects" report you have just saved in the example. With the small blue arrow that you see on mouseover, you have the option of editing it further or removing it completely.

Click on the name (or on Open) to open it in your browser:

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