Sales tax validation

Sales tax validation

As part of the sales tax validation, you compare the actual posted tax amounts with the calculated tax amounts. The calculation is based on the assessment basis (BMG) in conjunction with the recorded tax key.

A difference shown does not necessarily indicate an error and small differences in the cent range are generally due to rounding.

Due to the link with the tax key, only tax accounts that are listed as input tax or VAT accounts in the tax matrix are listed. This is particularly relevant for accounts in the input tax area that you occasionally post to directly (e.g. VAT deductible in the following year).


The date range (1) is freely selectable so that you can limit a date restriction to a difference.

Hide empty lines (2) prevents the display of tax account lines without movement.

Show direct tax postings (3) also lists postings without a tax key.

Validation of a tax key

The highlighted line for the key "V19" (input tax 19%) reads as follows:

  • The indicator 66 is the corresponding indicator in the advance return for tax on sales/purchases, followed by the tax account assigned in the tax matrix with the name and the tax percentage rate assigned in the tax matrix.

  • In the "Turnover" column, the amounts of the booking lines are balanced with V19 in the period. This assessment basis is then multiplied by the tax rate and output in the "Tax calculated" column.

  • In the "Tax posted" column, all amounts of the tax account in the period that were generated by the tax key of the line are netted.

  • The last column shows the difference between "Tax calculated" and "Tax posted".

The difference displayed here is clearly too high and should be checked. To do this, it is best to first limit the data using the calendar.

The drill-down in the "Tax calculated" field is helpful; the journal is filtered accordingly in the lines with a tax key.

You can recognize a posting that was made with tax code V19, but the tax amount is set to 1570 instead of 1576. This results in a difference for line 1576 with V19.
This difference does not necessarily have to be corrected, as the allocation of the "Input tax" account (1570) is analogous to "Input tax 19%" (1576) in the advance return for sales tax.

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