Edit depreciation types

After going through the setup wizard, your asset accounting is already fully set up and preconfigured for the selected chart of accounts. You can make further adjustments in the master data:

Define depreciation types

Let's now go to the form Organization > Master data > Assets: Edit depreciation types.

The form for managing depreciation types can be found under Organization > Master data > Assets / Edit depreciation types.

User-defined depreciation types

All common depreciation types are already set up for asset accounting. These depreciation types follow the legal requirements. They cannot be edited.

It is also possible to create user-defined depreciation types. To do this, click on Add. A new form opens in which you enter a number and a name for the new depreciation type. You can also create the new depreciation type as annual depreciation by selecting the Annual depreciation element. You can then choose whether the depreciation should be linear, declining balance, as a GWG, GWG pool or according to plan. Depending on the selected depreciation type, you can enter further details.

In the case of declining balance depreciation, these are the percentage value and the maximum permitted multiple of the straight-line annual depreciation.

For a depreciation plan, these are the term and the desired percentage value for each year.