Products (Other)

Extended product fields

Show extended product fields

If you use eCommerce, you can manage the eCommerce settings under Organization > Administration > Function connection > eCommerce settings: Activate extended product fields to show additional eCommerce-specific data fields.

Meaning of the extended product fields (for eCommerce)

Now select Organization > Products > Product management: Add or Duplicate again and scroll down the form to see the newly displayed fields.

  1. Item type: Here you can create shipping costs in addition to the products. This means that the shipping costs are not listed on delivery bills or orders for logisticians.

  2. The EAN (European Article Number) is a globally standardized product identifier.

  3. List price versus real purchase price. These two fields allow you to differentiate between a purchase price communicated to the customer, the list price, and a real purchase price actually paid by you.

  4. Use the Change link to link a logistics provider to the product. When creating goods lists for your repeat orders, lists can then be created for the individual logistics providers or delivery bills can be issued.
    Note: A logistics provider can only be assigned if it has previously been created as a company contact in Contact Management.

  5. Here you use the Add button to specify the eCommerce account via which the product is offered.

Product usage

The Show usage link takes you to the following form.

  1. Here you can see in which document types the product in question has been used.

  2. You can limit the display in terms of time.

  3. You can display the product usage by individual customer or by product group.