Versionen im Vergleich


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The tabular overview of all outgoing invoices can be filtered using the worklist so that the desired information is always displayed.


You can use the Last e-mail recipient and Last e-mail time columns to easily find out whether and when the document was sent to the customer.

You can find out the booked status in financial accounting via the "Booked" column or via the "Booking number" column, with the advantage that you can jump directly to the booking by clicking on the booking number.

There are several function buttons below the table. As long as you have not selected a line with an invoice, only Add (1) is active, which opens an empty form and allows you to create an invoice. More on this later.


Delete (3) deletes the invoice. If it has already been posted, a simple reversal is generated for financial accounting.


Create recurring invoice copies the data of the selected invoice into a recurring invoice, which can then be processed further.


Using Teamwork upload, the voucher files of the selected invoices are transferred to Teamwork. If a corresponding voucher file already existed there, it is versioned.
