Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.

You can recognize files in Datev format by the name component DTVF (file was created from the Datev software) or EXTF (file was created from another software according to Datev specifications). These files have a fixed format, which is why we advise against editing these files.

In Scopevisio, follow the path Organization > OpenScope > Import & Export > Connectivity center > Import service.

The "DATEV Import" form will be replaced in the medium term by the improved Import Service form. You can access it there temporarily via the other actions (three dots).

We recommend testing files with the Import Service in advance.

An import table opens.


Drag the DATEV format file onto the upload button or click on the button and select the corresponding file on a drive on your computer.


Postings to statistical accounts (3) can also be separated. In the settings (4) you will find the translation of the so-called Datev posting keys into Scopevisio tax keys as well as other assignments (cash discount accounts, cost center and cost unit, carryforward accounts, pre-assignment of payment condition).

Please note that Datev addresses different percentages with a BU key due to the Corona economic stimulus package in 2020. The assignments must be adjusted depending on the imported period.

The checksum function (5) provides you with a preview of the import totals in csv format. You can then start the actual import with (6).
