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This article describes the use of PayPal accounts in Scopevisio. It is assumed that you have already set up a PayPal account. Questions about PayPal are answered in the PayPal support area at

Exporting PayPal account statements


In the next form, use the selection aids to determine which posting accounts from the chart of accounts you want to use. You have several options for determining the posting text. These options may help you to set up suitable bank statement rules for your PayPal postings.


If you click on Automatic assignment, the appropriate customer is determined based on their e-mail address. The prerequisite is that this e-mail address is stored in their contact details.

Process incoming payments automatically - best practice

Sometimes you want to process many incoming payments at once. The following procedure is suitable for this:

  1. You can select the posting lines for which you want to set the same contra account with Shift+click.

  2. Now use the arrow (small triangle) in the contra account field to select the desired account (e.g. 8300)...

  3. ...and transfer the entry to the selected lines accordingly.

Note: There is a small restriction in that you must carry out this procedure per screen page, i.e. you cannot edit 20 pages in a single process, for example.
