Number of decimal places for prices and quantities
Specify how many decimal places should be displayed for price and quantity information. With the placeholders quantity or price, the selected number is also displayed in the output documents.
Suitable placeholders for the billing documents are quantity_2 digits and unit price_2 digits.Sorting the product selection list
This setting relates to the selection field when selecting the products, not to the order of the item lines.Automatic creation of packing slips
If you use individual document layouts, a standard layout must be stored for the packing slip. This can be loaded into the system under OpenScope > Import/Export > Manage receipt layouts.Transfer values 1:1 for invoice correction
Choose between transferring the unchanged values from the original invoice (1:1) to the invoice correction or entering adjusted values manually.Post order number as
The order number can be transferred to the posting as an external document number. The invoice number is then omitted.Preset posting date with
The document date, the service date from (start of service), the service date to (end of service) or the entry date of the document can be preset as the posting date for your outgoing invoices.Always use the business email address of the document contact
If the email address of a contact person is available in the contact file, Scopevisio uses this instead of a generic invoice email address if the corresponding setting is made.Mandatory setting for Use dimensions
If "Yes" is selected here, dimension details must be entered. See also Parameters of the cost dimensions.Standard processor (all document types)
If you only have one employee who creates all document types, you can enter them here.Set processor to current user
Various options for setting the responsible processor in the system or doing this manually. "On transfer" means when changing the document type, e.g. from quotation to order.Fixed entry (invoices/GS)
If fixed entry is activated, printing an invoice or correction invoice first generates a PDF with a draft watermark. The document can be committed using the Print multifunction button. After fixing, the document is unchangeable and is printed without the watermark.
We recommend committing if you send invoices to your customer in advance for reconciliation. The drafts are not effective for tax purposes and still convey all relevant data.