Versionen im Vergleich


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  1. Clicking on Release process shows the release process stored in the client (see box 1 outlined in red).

  2. You can add another reviewer to the approval process by clicking Add. A list of employees opens for selection. This is useful if you want to transfer responsibility to a colleague (e.g. in the case of vacation substitution).

  3. Depending on the current release type, you will see either Factual check or Payment release. If the invoice is factually correct or should be paid, you release this here. If this button is not yet displayed in yellow, you still have to make mandatory entries in the invoice assignment (see 6).

  4. If the invoice is not factually correct or should not (yet) be paid, a list will appear when you click on Reject (see box 4 outlined in red), from which you can select the type of rejection and a reason or add a comment yourself. Further details can be found here.

  5. With Notify , Scopevisio opens your connected e-mail program in order to draw the attention of added reviewers to the invoice in question (as under 2).

  6. Additional information about the invoice can be stored in the Invoice assignment area. Assign cost centers or projects to the invoice.

  7. If the information is shown in yellow, it is mandatory.

  8. Click on the document name to open a new window with the PDF view of the original invoice.

  9. The three bars open the submenu described below.
