Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.

With batch posting, postings are first transferred to a posting batch and then all posted at once. The advantage is that errors can be easily corrected as long as the postings have not yet been committed. This method is also suitable for paper vouchers.

Entering in the batch

Select Accounting > Posting > Batch posting.


By selecting a booking in the batch, you can duplicate, edit or remove it.


In the clearing area, you have the option of reconciling and balancing postings directly. Read more about this in the article Clearing.


By deactivating the Simple view checkbox below the booking screen, you also gain access to the Reconcile function. This tells you what your account balance would look like if you were to post this booking in the booking batch.

The following illustration shows what a completed posting batch looks like after the Reconcile button has been clicked.



Select Post (CTRL+B) to commit the postings.