Account number and
account name
Account type (asset, liability, asset/liability, costs, revenue)
The account type is displayed in color code in the balance sheet type work report
and helps with the report structure.
Please note that accounts with leading zeros in the account number must be filled in when making changes or creating new accounts. In sorting, the account number 0027 is treated differently to 27.
You can use the checkboxes to define further characteristics (2) for the G/L account:
Blocked for postings
The account cannot be posted to and is not displayed in selection lists on the posting screen.Can be posted to directly
If the checkbox is not selected, the account does not appear in selection lists (e.g. batch postings) but can be posted to via automatic processes.
Examples include receivables and payables collective accounts as well as sales tax accounts or sales tax accounts.Reconcilable
The account is available in the G/L account reconciliation. You can also set this attribute directly in the G/L account reconciliation.
The account indicators determine where the account is available and allow further plausibility checks.
Special account indicators
Trade receivables and trade payables
Liabilities from deliveries and services
Indicators for omnibus accounts that map their subledger accounting in the general ledger.
The appropriate account indicator is automatically assigned as soon as the relevant account is selected as an omnibus account when a subledger account is created and posted to for the first time.
Sales tax and
input tax
Accounts with these indicators are available in the tax matrix.
G/L account - tax
Tax key
The tax key preset in posting masks can be determined here.Fixed tax key
The default value from the tax key field cannot simply be overwritten.Tax code
Displayed for historical reasons, please do not use it in newer instances.DATEV automatic account
If you want to export or import postings between Scopevisio and DATEV, this attribute has the effect that no DATEV tax key is transferred when postings are exported to DATEV and the Scopevisio tax key is used when postings are imported, even if DATEV does not provide a BU key. This means that the activated checkbox regularly only makes sense in combination with Tax key stored plus fixed tax key = set .Cash discount account Tax matrix
The displayed account is shown after the tax matrix has been created depending on the tax key.Cashdiscount account
An individual cash discount account can be specified for each account. It is used if no cash discount account could be determined via the tax key of the posting line and the tax matrix.Filter out document from VAT return
Posting records containing an account marked in this way are not included in the advance VAT return. The checkbox should only be activated in special cases, please consult our advisory service.
Switch to the menu item Chart of accounts via Global > Master data > Accounting / Manage accounting (or: System menu > Manage accounting). You create a new account by selecting a similar account and clicking on Add. The details of the selected account are adopted and you only need to enter the different details.
Accounts that are duplicated in this way also inherit the assignments to the items in the financial reports and the advance return for tax on sales/purchases.