Finances (work and financial reports)

Finances (work and financial reports)

A large number of predefined reports provide you with information about your turnover, expenditure and other relevant key business data.

We provide you with the following reports. They can still be customized as explained in the following sections.

  • Debtors/creditors due dates

  • Totals and balances list

  • Main closing overview

  • Turnover per customer

  • Expenses per vendor

  • Equity

  • Profit/loss

  • Financing

  • Investments

  • Costs

  • Liquidity at cash desks and banks

  • Turnover

  • Balance sheet

  • Business analysis (BWA)

The functions relating to the reports are explained in this section using the example of sales development.

Predefined reports

Using the predefined reports, you can already call up the most important key figures in your company. Scopevisio offers you the option of customizing these reports to your accounts and special calculation methods.

We will show you how you can use and customize the financial reports based on the sales development.

Call up reports

Under Finances > Reports > Finances > Financial reports > Turnover, you can create comprehensive reports on your current turnover development and compare them with previous financial years.

Use the various setting options to select the financial years to be compared. Within the financial years, you can also select individual months or quarters for comparison.

The practical drill-down function is also available here. This means that by clicking on the individual items, you can also call up the documents on which the turnover is based.

Set up reports

You can edit the structure of all financial reports as required and include individual accounts in the evaluation or exclude them from the calculation. Open the selection lists using the double arrow. This takes you to the selection options - Edit structure, Assign accounts and Edit chart of accounts.

You can use the Set parameters function, which you can access via the double arrow when selecting a report, to change some basic settings. Open the function menu of the report you want to change.

Select Set parameters.

Set parameters

You can change the report symbol, the profit determination type, the sign, unassigned accounts and dynamic numbering as well as change the report name, the account selection or the account form.

Note: If accounts have already been assigned to the report, you can only change the account selection after you have removed the account assignments.

Save your changes using the Save icon.

Edit structure

You can use Add and Remove to add further outline items to which you can assign accounts in the next step. Use the arrows to determine the position in the outline.

Assign accounts

Select the Assign accounts function via the context menu.

Assign the accounts to the structure using drag & drop. The Edit assignment form displays the structure of the report on one side and the accounts that you can assign on the other. The setting made when creating a report in the Account selection group and the account type assigned in the chart of accounts affect the selection of accounts that you can assign to the report.

Export functions

Click on the printer symbol above the table to call up various export functions.

The created table can not only be output in various formats such as xlsx or csv, you can also send it directly by e-mail in xlsx format or upload it to TEAMWORK. You can also call up all current reports via FINANZ2GO when you are on the move.


Other output formats and printing

The reports created in Scopevisio can - if desired - be reformatted for a clear printout so that even a more extensive report fits on one (DIN A3) page. Using the example of the balance sheet, we will show you how you can change the format template accordingly by reducing the font size.

To do this, go to the menu under OpenScope > Import & Export > Manage document layouts > Manage document layouts and select Show balance sheet document layouts.

Select the desired template (1) and save it locally on your computer (2).

We recommend working with LibreOffice to edit the odt files.

Open the locally saved template, select everything and choose a smaller font size, in our example 6p (1). Save the changes and name the template clearly to differentiate it - in our case Balance Sheet 6p (2).

Go back to Scopevisio in the document layouts and click on "Add".

Click in the small field to the right of "Upload file" (1) and select the previously saved file (2), which you upload with "Open" (3).

Under Document layout type, select "Balance sheet, ODT document layout" (1). Save your entries (2). Click on the arrow to return to the document layout selection list (3).

Here you will now see the newly saved template for selection.

If you would like to print out the balance sheet using the new template, follow the menu path Reports > Financials > Balance sheet and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Under "Other output formats", select "Output report as PDF" by clicking on the small arrow.

In the window you will see the available templates, from which you select the newly created one (1) and confirm with "OK" (2).

The PDF reader opens with the reduced version of your balance sheet, which you can now print out on one page or at least reduced to a few pages.

Report folder

In the export function, Scopevisio offers you automatic generation of reports with current figures via the Report planning item. Select the desired settings and click on the save icon.

In Scopevisio, you can find the reports generated in this way under Reports > Accounting > Reports & folders > Report folder. You can use the Edit report planning link in the same form to change the report planning, e.g. to deactivate or reactivate it.

Authorize reports

Using the Authorizations function, you have the option of assigning specially created profiles to the report, which you can also assign to authorized employees. This allows you to release individual reports to individual employees.

Via System administration > Manage profiles and user rights, you can create a special profile for the report and assign it to the authorized employees. Call up the form and click on Add. Now create a new profile for the Finance application. No special functions need to be activated in the profile itself. Authorization to display the report is granted via the new profile itself and not via individual authorizations within the profile.

Assign authorization

Now select Reports > Finance in the menu and open the function menu of the report whose authorization you want to assign individually. Select 'Grant authorizations'. Delete the existing entry 'Finance - all rights', add your created profile instead and save the changes.

Assign profile to employees

After saving, the report is no longer visible to users without administrator rights.

You can now gradually assign the user profile to all employees to whom you want to grant access to the report.

To do this, open the Control Panel again, select Manage users and click twice on the user who is to receive the authorization. You can assign the profile in the User profiles table.

Duplicate financial reports

Use an existing report as a template for a new report. You can choose whether only the structure or also the account allocation should be duplicated.

To do this, select Duplicate report in the Reports > Finance menu in the function menu of the desired report.

Note: You can only duplicate reports from the Financial statements, Income statement and own reports group.

Enter the name for the new report and adjust the description of the report if required. Determine whether you want to duplicate the structure or the structure and allocation and create the new report via Duplicate.

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