Cash discount and tolerance

Cash discount and tolerance

The booking of discounts or tolerances is available to you as a time-saving button function.

Payment tolerance settings

Under System menu > Manage accounting > Payment tolerances you can make settings for cash discount (1 + 2) and tolerance (3, see below).

As a special feature, we offer (1) the offsetting of cash discount expenses and income. Before activating, please check possible contradictions to § 246 HGB para. 2 sentence 1 (prohibition of offsetting) for your company.

In addition to the cash discount posting by key (see OP management), you can also activate the automatic cash discount posting (2).

When clearing, Scopevisio checks whether the payment was made by the cash discount deadline of the open item and whether the payment difference corresponds to the calculated cash discount. The cash discount is then posted in parallel to clearing. This applies to clearing during bank posting, but also to direct allocation in open item management.

Posting cash discount (open item management)

If the payment amount assigned to a receivable (payable) is less than the total receivable (total payable), the outstanding balance can be treated as a cash discount.

Open the open items list (Scopen functions / Open items, menu: Finance > Receivables > Open items debtors (or analogously: Liabilities > Open items creditors).

Select a receivable (payable) with an open amount greater than zero (less than zero). The Post cash discount button at the bottom of the table is active; left-click to post the open amount as a cash discount.

The cash discount accounts are determined via the tax keys used in conjunction with the tax matrix. This results in a VAT-compliant correction. If no tax key is available or the tax matrix does not contain an entry, a cash discount account stored in the account master of the original G/L account is used instead. In this case, the VAT-compliant treatment must be checked.

Post tolerance (OP management)

Regularly occurring minor deviations in posting amounts, for example currency differences arising from foreign currency invoices, can be posted by clicking on the "Post tolerance" button.

Activate the checkbox under Manage accounting > Payment tolerances and define the accounts.

The Post tolerance button is then available in the open item management as soon as a line with an open amount not equal to zero is marked, so overpayments can also be treated as a tolerance.

The tolerance posting does not take into account any tax issues of the open item - we therefore recommend that you do not use a tax key proposal in the tolerance accounts.

If the posting of the selected remaining OP has cost dimensions, these are used for the tolerance posting. If the remaining open item has no cost dimensions (e.g. you have overpaid the original open item due to bank charges), the tolerance is posted with the pre-assigned cost dimensions of the tolerance account in accordance with the G/L account master.

Post out manually

Manual clearing is similar to the cash discount function, but is useful if you want to make individual settings.
In the open items list, select the item you want to clear and click on Clear manually.

This opens the Manual write-off form, in which the main points are already automatically pre-filled; you can edit the posting date (i.e. the posting period) and amount.

If you want to change the account, check the checkbox for Specify explicitly. Click on the Post button to carry out the write-off.

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