Versionen im Vergleich


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Create and edit quotations using text modules and the product catalog.

Further information: Overview of the document flow.

Quotation overview

All quotations are listed in the overview table, including their processing status.

  1. Select status and filter criteria to save a quotation list as a worklist (see worklist icon above 1).

  2. Call up specific offers that are related to a project, contact, product or user.

  3. Show or hide columns by right-clicking on the table heading. Or use the yellow filter line.

  4. Select an offer (4) to see details in the process bar, check the event log (5) or edit it using the action buttons below the list.


  • Select the Write quote command via the plus symbol.

  • Use the Add button in the quotation overview.

  • If you are working with potentials, you can easily convert a potential that has already been entered into a quotation.

  • Via further actions (three dots) from a contact.

  • Via further actions (three dots) from a customer project.

If you create the quotation from a master data form (contact, project) (via further actions or the plus), the quotation is directly pre-filled with this data.

The quotation form

  1. The process bar uses mouseover texts to show which processes are pending at which stage for the contact.

  2. Enter a prospective customer or, if available, a project reference (projects license required).

  3. For your sales forecast, you can specify the sales probability and define a follow-up activity for a structured process. If necessary, delegate the offer to a responsible person.

  4. The quotation number is automatically assigned from the number range. Note the option to set authorizations for the offer.

  5. In addition to the tab with the offer items, other tabs provide access to additional information and settings.

  6. Use the Add button to enter at least one item. Select an item to remove it, duplicate it or move it up or down using the arrow buttons.

  7. You can later use this button to convert the quote into an order, an invoice and/or a delivery bill.

  8. Don't forget to save it.


Select Billing > Quotations in the old menu treeortreeor Sales > Quotationsin the new menu tree.
