Direct transfer from the invoice receipt book

Direct transfer from the invoice receipt book

Once the invoice has been released for payment, it can be transferred directly from the new invoice receipt book without having to change the view. The following is required for this:

  • a house bank must be defined as the default bank account for transfers

  • finAPI access to this house bank

  • the person entering the data has been granted the corresponding rights in Scopevisio and can authenticate themselves to the house bank.

In addition to the invoice receipt book , the user also requires the rights for online banking transfers and bank transfers. These can be found in the "Finance" profiles.

In the invoice receipt book overview, select the invoice to be transferred and click on Transfer below the table.

The invoice must be approved for payment, i.e. it must have gone through an approval process.

In the following online bank transfer form, Scopevisio automatically copies data from the invoice document or your default settings for the house bank. Any mandatory fields that remain blank are highlighted in yellow and must be completed before the transfer is executed by clicking on Transfer.

If you do not want to carry out the transfer with your registered finAPI Banking access, you can also use the Transfer with login button. Otherwise, simply click on Transfer.

Depending on the default setting of the booking behavior for online transfers in the settings of your house bank, this will trigger a booking to a transit or bank account or no booking at all . The corresponding posting records would then be vendor to transit account or vendor to bank account.

A payment made by direct transfer is indicated in the Rebu view by the € symbol then being displayed in blue.

Direct transfers are practical and quick, but are a different process to the payment run - after all, the accountant will find an outgoing transfer in the bank account without a personal account OP. Coordinate with your accounting department so that there are no conflicts.


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