Search in Teamwork

Search in Teamwork

Teamwork means finding instead of searching. To make this work even better, here are a few important tips:

Search bar and sorting

Select Teamwork and, if desired, a folder.

The name of the folder then appears in the yellow search bar above the document list (1) and only the documents in the collection are listed. By entering a search term in the yellow bar (2), you can search for specific content.

In the field next to it (3), you can set whether the results found should be sorted by relevance, topicality or alphabetically.

Document filter

In Teamwork, you have the option of searching specifically for documents that are linked to a contact, a project or a task. The document filter is located above the document overview, where you can make the necessary entries.

Depending on the setting you have selected in the "Document filter" field, you have various filter options.

Horizontal filter arrangement

The yellow fields indicate the criteria according to which you can filter:

Vertical filter arrangement

  1. In the Reference field, select whether the reference object is a contact, a project or a task.

  2. You can also enter an Additional reference, e.g. a task within a project.

  3. Enter the name of the reference object as the reference object. In the example below, this is a project. The subsequent search only refers to documents that are assigned to this project.

  4. In addition, a keyword filter is offered in the document filter, in which all available keywords are offered with checkboxes for ticking.

The other filter options are self-explanatory.

What is saved?

When documents are uploaded to Teamwork, they are subjected to full-text recognition. This means that their content is scanned and indexed. Teamwork recognizes the content of PDFs as well as text documents. The author, file name and any tags are saved with the text data. Teamwork also stores metadata about the document content. All this data is available for the search.

What techniques does the search use?

  1. Word stem generation: conjugated or declined forms are traced back to the basic form of the verb or noun.

  2. Prefix generation: The matching terms are displayed in the results from the first letter.

  3. Exact match: Only results that exactly match the entry in the search field are returned. This also applies in particular to search terms in which words are separated by hyphens or underscores.

  4. No strings with quotation marks: Unlike Google, for example, no exact strings of words are retrieved by putting them in quotation marks. This method does not return any results in Teamwork.

What search methods are available?

From the first character entered, Teamwork begins to compare its database with the input. If several terms are entered, the search only returns results in which both terms appear, but not necessarily in context.

By default, the search results are sorted by relevance. But how is relevance determined?

  • The more text fields that match the search term, the higher the relevance.

  • The text fields have different "importance"; the priority is as follows:

  1. File name

  2. Uploader and owner of the document

  3. Sharer (person who shared the document)

  4. Tags and metadata, e.g. keywords

  5. Title and author

  6. Full text

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