Anmeldung Connector Apaleo

The prerequisite for using the connector is an active user in Apaleo and Scopevisio. In addition, the onboarding of the company in Scopevisio ERP must be completed.

If you have any questions about onboarding, please contact

Verification of Scopevisio and Apaleo account

Two logins are required in the Connector.

The instance/customer number and the user (e-mail address) with password and the company are required to log in to Scopevisio.

To log in to Apaleo, the user e-mail address and the respective password are required.


If the login to both systems was successful, you can switch between Scopevisio companies and hotels via the drop-down menu "Company" and "Hotel".

The menu item Settings > Hotel management can be used to define which Scopevisio company should be connected to which Apaleo hotel(s).