Invoice receipt book: Configuration of the settings

The settings are divided into several areas, which are listed individually.

Invoice receipt book: Central settings

  • No VAT ID/StNr automatic:
    Determine whether a VAT ID read from the invoice should be compared with the existing contacts in order to set the supplier (vendor) automatically. Alternatively, you can also set this via a rule.

  • Gross/net entry
    If you mainly enter your invoices with net amounts, you can adjust this here.

  • Display processing stamp
    A digital processing stamp can be displayed on a part of the receipt that is as unused as possible.

  • Duplicate detection
    Specify whether duplicates should only be detected based on the same file or also based on the supplier number.

You currently receive a duplicate message when importing via drag and drop into the rebu and when verifying the document.

  • Rejected file extensions
    Avoid unwanted file types from the outset.

  • Number assignment during verification
    With YES, the consecutive internal number (invoice receipt book number) is only generated during verification, which allows you to remove incorrect documents before they are included in the numbering. If NO is selected, the number is assigned immediately based on the available data (in particular the invoice date). The number cannot be changed.

  • Posting release
    The posting release can be linked to a specific check status. These
    accountants can individually tighten this company-wide specification, but not soften it.
    See the settings for the document worklist.

Invoice receipt book: document separation

If you scan many receipts at once to send them to the invoice ledger, you can separate them from each other using prepared cover sheets or blank pages.

Invoice receipt book: Mandatory field settings

As always, mandatory settings are highlighted in yellow in the detailed form for the incoming invoice.
If the relevant fields are not filled in, the invoice cannot be verified or forwarded in the approval process.

If you cannot forward a document, check whether all mandatory fields are visible (displayed). In addition to the above, cost dimensions can also become mandatory fields in the approval process.

Invoice receipt book: Further settings

  • Processing log in the PDF
    An event log is added to the PDF document file as an additional page. This can also be viewed via Teamwork.

  • OCR engine to be used
    We recommend working with Hypatos, but also offer other OCR engines to choose from.

  • Try optimized recognition
    A function to increase the OCR quality depending on your documents.

  • "Read service date from" via OCR (Hypatos)
    Special setting to determine the service date that is not assigned by default.

  • Default payment type
    Enter the payment type most frequently used by your suppliers here.

  • File name format customization
    If you choose a user-defined format for the name of the imported document, you can put this together using a few placeholders.

  • Teamwork invoice filing
    Depending on the rights assigned, only administrators or all Rebu users have access to the Teamwork folder "Incoming invoices". Use the "Reset" link to return to the default setting, in which the documents in Teamwork can only be viewed by administrators.

  • Allow account assignment after completion of the approval process
    This setting allows you to edit the account assignment in Rebu even after the approval process has been completed.

  • Allow removal after verification
    Contrary to the standard behavior, you can decide that documents may be removed from Rebu after verification if you select "Yes" here. Please note the effects on your process documentation.

  • New suppliers (ZUGFeRD)
    We obtain enough data from hybrid ZUGFeRD invoices to create new suppliers automatically.

  • Filter invoices in exports
    The filter set here for the check status is applied when you export via the other actions in the invoice overview.

  • Deactivate address completion
    If YES, no contact or address data from the free connection to the Crefo address database is suggested.

  • Verify travel costs/expenses
    Travel costs and expense invoices submitted by employees can be verified automatically. For this to work, an approval process must be assigned, e.g. via a rule that assigns an approval process as soon as the invoice is received.

  • BAL Information transfer
    Make sure to activate the "Do not write back information" setting.
    Writing back is only to be used in special cases and has an impact on your documentation obligations, as you overwrite logged data.

  • Datev import type

  • Use delivery (procurement)
    If YES and licensed procurement, the purchase orders are offered to you and automatically assigned to supplier invoices.

  • Check for delivery bills
    If procurement (license) is active, an additional column in the invoice overview shows whether a purchase order has been assigned to the delivery note numbers specified on the invoice (and read out via OCR, for example). If you have set "Complete assignment required", you can only verify if the assignment is complete. Incoming invoices without a delivery note reference are not affected, they are displayed as "Without delivery bill" and can be verified normally.

  • Recognize X-invoices
    Set the switch to YES to process e-invoices (structured XML data) and generate a PDF preview.

Invoice receipt book: e-mail notification

In the checking process, you can "nudge" individual checkers using the E-mail button. You can configure the e-mail sent here using placeholders for the company.