General Documentation

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General Documentation


All requests to the Scopevisio API require authentication. Scopevisio uses the OAuth 2.0 for these purpose. The framework will not be discussed here in detail, please refer to the corresponding specifications if you need more details.

For every request to Scopevisio a valid OAuth access token must be provided in the request header. To obtain it the endpoint POST /token must be used. By using this endpoint you can choose among three grant_types:

  • authorization_code - you need this flow if you create your own application. The user has control over the authorization process.

  • refresh_token - if the acces_token has expired - used to obtain a new one.

  • password - not advisable to use it, in some cases it is more convenient though.

Which of the grant_types should be used depends on the use case. For all grant_types a client_id and client_secret are needed. For obtaining these please send an email to our Support: support(at)scopevisio.com .

Furthermore, using the authorization_code grant flow needs a registered redirect URI for your client_id. To register one please contact our support providing the redirect URI.


Some fields of the objects you may want to change are allowed to be empty(null). To delete the data in those fields you can set it to null or if it is a string value to an empty string "". There are also fields which cannot be empty. In this case if the parameter is set to null or "" it will be ignored.

To leave the data of the object unchanged just omit the json parameter.

Example: A task needs to be updated. The topic of a task is a mandatory field and setting it to null will be ignored.
Another field which is not allowed to be empty is status. Setting the status of a task to null will be ignored.
The responsibleContactId of a task is allowed to be empty. So setting it to null will empty the field.
All task fields you don't see in the example json below (projectId, outgoingInvoiceId, startDateTS, etc.) will keep their values.

{ "topic": null, "contactId": 10018, "contactLegacyId": "", "contactSphere": "Kunde", "responsibleContactId": null, "reminderDateTS": 1546210800000, "priority":"hoch", "status": null }

Custom fields (Benutzerdefinierte Felder)


The names of the custom fields used in the endpoints are not the names the user has set for these in the client application. The names are put together using the type of the field and its id (e.g customLong3). The field type is set at its creation by the user. The id is assigned at fields creation. There are six custom fields types:

  • Text (type: Text, value format: String)

  • Zahl (type: Long, value format: Long)

  • Betrag (type: Amount, value format: BigDecimal)

  • JA/Nein (type: Boolean, value format: Boolean)

  • Datum (type: Date, value format: Long - milliseconds since epoch representing UTC Date)

  • Zeitpunkt (type: DateTime, value format: Long - milliseconds since epoch representing UTC Date)


To put together a name of a custom field the following schema is used: custom<field type><field id>. So the name of a field with type DateTime and id 4 is customDateTime4.

Allowable values and multiple selection

Custom fields of type text can be specified to use multiple selection combined with allowable values. The value separator to use is §§.


{ "topic": "My topic", "contactId": 10018, "priority":"hoch", "customFields": [ { "customFieldName": "customText7", "customFieldValue": "aa§§bb" }, { "customFieldName": "customAmount3", "customFieldValue": 4.67 }, { "customFieldName": "customDate1", "customFieldValue": 1600852271000 } ] }

Standard Chart of Accounts (SCOA)

There are the following standard charts of accounts you can choose of:

  • SKR 03 - Standardkontenrahmen 03.

  • SKR 04 - Standardkontenrahmen 04.

  • SKR04 IFRS - SKR 03 according to International Financial Reporting Standards.

  • SKR04 IFRS/IAS - SRK 04 according to International Financial Reporting Standards.

  • SKR 14 - SKR 14 mostly used by agricultural or forestry businesses.

  • SKR 45 PBV - SKR 45 PBV for social services according to § 3 Abs. 2 PBV.

  • SKR 49 - SKR 49 for foundations and registered associations.

  • SKR 70 - SKR 70 for hotels and restaurants.

  • SKR 80 - SKR 80 for dentists.

  • SKR 81 - SKR 80 for physicians.

  • KHBV - KHBV for hospitals.

  • Individuell - an empty chart of accounts. The user can add his own accounts.


Teamwork access

To use the webservices in the Teamwork section you need the CenterDevice-API documentation.

The notations {arg1}, {arg2} and {arg3} are placeholders for the CenterDevice endpoints. The Scopevisio base URL needs to be used instead of the one given in the CenterDevice-API documentation. The Scopevisio token is needed for authentication. For access and visibility restrictions please see the CenterDevice-API documentation. The user rights can be found in Scopevisio client Systemadministration -> DMS Teamwork -> Benutzer verwalten.


Endpoint to retrieve a document, corresponds to the endpoint /teamworkbridge/{arg1}/{arg2}:


Endpoint to retrieve all top level folders of a collection, corresponds to the endpoint /teamworkbridge/{arg1}:

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