Travel expenses

Travel expenses

Has your employee recorded a trip that is to be invoiced as part of a customer project? With Scopevisio's travel expense recharging function, you can create the corresponding invoice with just a few clicks.

Create a travel expense recharge

  1. Select Organization > Travel Expenses and specify the period, project, employee and contact for which you want to create an invoice.

  2. If you often need a specific list, filter your travel entries to a project, for example, and save them as a travel expense recharge list. To do this, select the button highlighted in the illustration and give your list a name. In practice, lists are often created for a project, a task or a contact. You will find the saved list in your workplace menu. You can call it up and edit it there at any time without having to set the filter again. In this way, several trips made by different employees or by the same employee at different times can be grouped together in an invoice for a project or contact.

  3. Once you have entered all the criteria, click on Create travel expense recharge.

In the lower section of the form, you will see the entries that are eligible for travel expense recharges. Here you also have the option of defining the time frame in more detail. The "Display" button triggers this filter function.

  1. Select the trip to be charged on.

  2. Click on Open.

The prerequisite for travel expense recharges displayed here is that "Yes" was selected in the "Billable" field when the employee entered the trip in the "Trip status" business object.

In the "Travel expense entries" table, you can

  1. edit the individual items of the trip if required,

  2. remove a selected line,

  3. if you have already made changes, undo them by displaying the original travel expense entries, and

  4. carry out the actual travel expense transfer, which generates a statement.

Confirm the query to carry out the transfer

You will be notified that the transfer has been carried out.

The invoice created is displayed in the upper section of the form.

Click on the link to the document number (1) or select the line and click on "Edit invoice" (2) to open it.

If necessary, make further adjustments to the invoice form before you print, save and post it. Also check the tax key and tax.

Use the link arrow to return to the previous form for recharging.

The transfer is now successfully completed.

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