Invoice dispatch

Invoice runs are created and sent in the Invoice dispatch form.

Scopevisio defines an invoice run as the mass dispatch of invoices by e-mail.

Create invoice run

Select Organization > Invoice dispatch tocreate or display invoice runs.

  1. Select the documents by invoice date.

  2. Determine whether the invoices should be sent by e-mail or downloaded as PDF documents.

  3. Note on contact preferences for sending receipts: Select Yes from the drop-down menu and specify in Contact management under Billing dispatch type in the Communication business object the dispatch method (e-mail/letter) by which your contact receives the invoices. The invoice run can now be pre-filtered by dispatch type. Select whether you also want to include invoices that have already been sent in the invoice run.

  4. If you have activated the fixing in the billing settings, the invoices are fixed when the invoice run is created if you have selected "Yes" here.

  5. Click on"Add" to create the invoice run. An entry about the newly created invoice run appears in the table.

  6. Click on Edit to obtain more detailed information and an insight into the individual invoices. You carry out the actual invoice run from the follow-up form.

  7. To block customers for invoice runs, follow the link at the bottom right Edit ignored customers. Then select the contacts who should not receive any invoices. Under Edit ignored invoices, you can also select invoices to be excluded from the invoice run.

You can check the invoice details in the Invoice run form. Click on Execute invoice run to create the PDF files and send them directly by email if you have made the appropriate selection.

If you have a large number of invoices, you can use the "Execute in background" option while you continue working elsewhere in Scopevisio.

Correct invoice run

Select an invoice run and choose "Edit" to make corrections before you execute the run. Here you can mark or select invoices and remove them from the invoice run via Remove selection. You can rebuild the run and finally execute it by overwriting the existing PDF files.