Set up wage & salary

Set up wage & salary

Make tedious bagging of payroll documents and postage costs a thing of the past - Scopevisio Payroll lives digitization!


Prerequisite for the use of Scopevisio Wage & Salary:

  • Activation of the Scopevisio "Personnel" functional area via the license of the same name, which you can book in the store

  • the commissioning of the additional tool Scopevisio Lohn & Gehalt powered by eurodata and the associated onboarding required. If you are interested, please contact us directly (lohn-support@scopevisio.com).

The digital distribution of payroll accounting is only possible with Scopevisio Lohn & Gehalt powered by eurodata. Other payroll programs cannot currently be connected.

More information on the external tool Scopevisio Payroll powered by eurodata can be found in the manual.

Rights (to be assigned by the system administrator)

To gain access to the main function "Personnel" in the ribbon and the full range of functions of Wage & Salary, the payroll accountants in your company require the following rights in addition to the "Personnel" license

  • "Personnel"

  • "Contacts - all rights"

  • "Finances: Data import" (Edit)

Only people with these rights have access to the payroll runs and payslips. This protects your sensitive data from unauthorized access in Scopevisio. The system administrator assigns the rights to the corresponding users.

Not sure how to do this? You can find everything you need to know about rights management here.

Linking with Scopevisio Wage & Salary and initial setup of the archive

If the above requirements are met and you have activated the "Personnel" function area, you will now see the "Wages & salaries" menu item, which establishes a connection between the Scopevisio Wages & salaries add-on tool and your Scopevisio company. This means that data from the payroll runs can be transferred to Scopevisio, posted directly and archived. You then distribute the employee payroll documents digitally with one click via personalized Teamwork collections.

The link to the Scopevisio Wage & Salary add-on tool can only be made by people who are registered as administrators.

First call up the settings form via Organization > Master data > Personnel > Wage & salary settings . Alternatively, go to Organization > Administration > Function connection: Set up Scopevisio Wage & Salary.

Click on "Add" in the "Link Scopevisio Wage & Salary" business object.

Fill in the mandatory fields and complete the action by clicking the "Create link" button. This is a one-off process.

The link is now established:

You are now automatically stored as a payroll accountant in the "Company payroll accountant" business object. You can select other colleagues from the Scopevisio user group here.

In the "Distribution of documents" business object, select the documents that

  • are to be distributed digitally to your employees (Employee collection column)

  • you want to archive digitally in Teamwork (Electronic archive back office column) and

  • which you want to keep in printed form after each payroll run (Create PDF for printing column)

Certificates created with Scopevisio Payroll can be distributed to employees as well as archived in the back office. To do this, select the document types "Certificates for the business premises" and "Employee certificates" in the Manual area.

In the "Other payroll settings" business object, you specify

  1. whether the private email addresses of employees who are not created as users in the system should also be verified using an authentication code. If this option is selected, the email recipient can only assign a password to their payroll folder by entering the code. If the setting is saved with an authentication code, the payroll accountant is shown this in the "Wage & salary import" form in a column specially provided for this purpose, in order to communicate it to the employee in accordance with the company's own workflow.

  2. Here you specify how many characters the password must consist of for your employee to access their payroll folder. By default, the password security is set to 12 characters. It can be manually reduced to 8 or 10 characters, which also reduces security. The change log records by whom and when such a change was made. This setting only applies to employees who are not system users.

  3. Control the print output sorted by name, personnel number or document type.

  4. If "Yes" is selected, a separate folder is created in Teamwork for each employee who receives their payroll documents by letter, to which only the payroll accountants have access.

  5. Determine whether the cost centers specified in the posting list should be ignored when posting. If the selection box = Yes, the cost centers from Scopevisio Payroll are not transferred to financial accounting.

Complete the setup by saving the form.

Overview of the various responsibilities

The following table summarizes an overview of the activation and setup of Wage & Salary:

System administrator


System administrator

System administrator


System administrator

Sets "Personnel" right for ->



sets right "Contacts - all rights" for ->



sets right "Finances: Data export" (Edit)" for ->



sets right "Finances: Data import" (Edit)" for ->



With the rights and the license, the employee can carry out the setup via the settings form.

First, the employee links the wage mandate from Scopevisio Lohn&Gehalt to the Scopevisio instance.
ATTENTION! To be able to make the link, the employee must have administrator rights in Scopevisio Lohn&Gehalt.

With the link, the system adds the employee to the company's payroll accountant group.

The employee can now add further employees to the company's payroll accountant group.


automatically creates Teamwork group "Payroll (system)" and adds payroll accountants



creates Teamwork collection "Payroll back office"


has access through granted rights, feature activation AND membership of the "Payroll accounting (system)" group Access to the payroll runs

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