Wages & salaries: Assign employees

Wages & salaries: Assign employees

To prepare, you will need

  • the private e-mail addresses of non-Scopevisio users

To set up the digital distribution of your payroll documents, the following must be done once

  • Each employee must be assigned to "their" employee contact

  • select the type of delivery for each employee and

  • a private delivery e-mail must be stored for external users.

Assigning employees

If you are working with Scopevisio Wage & Salary for the first time, you must first assign the billed employees to the employee contacts in Scopevisio. The same applies whenever new employees are added. You will find the information on whether and if so how many employees are to be assigned directly in the "Payroll administration" form in the "Assign employees" button (number).

Before you can distribute the payroll, all employees must be assigned.

For a basic understanding

From a system perspective, your employee contacts in Scopevisio belong to two different groups. The first group is the system users. These are all employees who are entered as users in Scopevisio and have access to the system or work with it. System users already have Teamwork access, which they use to receive their payroll documents. Each system user is already stored in the system with their company e-mail address. This cannot be changed in the assignment list.

The situation is different for employees who are neither set up as users in Scopevisio nor work with the system. These so-called "external users" receive access to their payroll folder via a link that is made available to the employee via their private e-mail address.

This second employee group is marked with a green tick in the "External user" column.

For these employees, you have the option of storing a private delivery e-mail in the corresponding column. A folder link is created in the delivery process, which the employees can use to access their wage and salary folder.

In the Payroll administration form, select the current file in the table and then click on the "Assign employee" button.

The overview of all payroll employees appears. Proceed line by line and select the relevant employee contacts using the small arrow in the "Employees" column.

Select the relevant employee from the employees. Click on "Assign" to assign the contact to your employee and you are back in the list of your employees.

Quick creation of employee contacts

If you receive payroll runs via Scopevisio Wage & Salary that contain wages and salaries for new employees who have not yet been created in Scopevisio, click on the "Create missing contacts" button. Activate the checkbox in the pop-up window and answer the query with "Yes". The employee contact is created and assigned in Wage & Salary at the same time.

Please note that only contacts that are not system users should be created using the quick creation function. To create system users, go to Organization > Administration > Manage users.

Once all employee contacts have been assigned, use the arrow at the top right to return to the Payroll administration form.

The type of delivery

By default, Scopevisio uses digital delivery to the DMS, where the payrolls are placed in employee folders in Teamwork (1).

However, there may also be employees for whom digital delivery should not or cannot be used and who should continue to receive their payroll documents by letter.

Select "Letter (PDF)" as the type of delivery for these employees (2). This is also possible as a mass change, where the same delivery type is assigned to all selected employees with one click. Following digital distribution, these documents can then be printed out at the touch of a button.

The external users mentioned above are explicitly marked as such (3). The system has generated an authentication code for them if this has been defined in the other settings (4).

To store a private delivery e-mail for these employees in the corresponding column, click on the small black triangle on the right in the "Delivery to e-mail" field and enter the e-mail address (5).

If you also display the "Ext. user status" column, "Active" is displayed if an external user has successfully assigned their password and has access to their payroll documents. The "Link invalid" display indicates if there has been a problem with the link to the payroll collection, which can be rectified by clicking on the "Resend payroll collection link" button (6).

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