Subsequent processing of the payroll run - posting

After the initial linking of Scopevisio Lohn & Gehalt powered by eurodata with Scopevisio Lohn & Gehalt, postings are made.

Transferring the archive from the Scopevisio Wage & Salary add-on tool to Scopevisio DMS Teamwork

Call up the sub-function "Archive payroll" via the menu item "Archive" in the menu tree on the left. Click on Export to store all selected documents in Scopevisio DMS Teamwork.

If you create a list for the relevant documents beforehand via Archive > Document selection , this list is saved and automatically suggested for the archiving process.

Payroll management (in Scopevisio)

Your archive from Scopevisio Payroll is displayed under Personnel > Payroll for further post-processing (1).

The buttons below the form follow the processing workflow from left to right (2).

Posting the payroll run

Select the payroll run to be processed in the table (1) and then click on the "Post" button (2).

The preview of the payroll postings appears. Click on "Import" (1) to post the data records. Then use the link arrow (2) to return to the payroll administration form.

The successful posting of your payroll run is now displayed here with a green tick in the "Posted" column.