Import documents into the invoice receipt book

Import documents into the invoice receipt book

Uploading invoices

There are several ways to upload vouchers of the incoming invoice type to the invoice receipt book or to display them there for checking.
The transfer by email has become widely accepted. In the following, we describe the specific characteristics, but also mention additional options.

Using the company's email addresses

We recommend that you provide your supplier with the company's email address for the future dispatch of digital invoices so that the invoices are sent directly to the A/P invoice ledger.

The setup is described in a separate document for the company's email addresses.
The process is as follows:

  • The supplier sends the invoice as a PDF, Zugferd or XRechnung to the company's specified e-mail address.

  • This automatically classifies the document as an incoming invoice and displays it in Rebu for data entry.

Of course, you can also have the e-mail address controlled by other sources. Whether you forward personally received documents there, store the address in your scanner (scan-to-email) or store it in third-party software is just a matter of nuances.

Direct transfer and processing via drag & drop

You can upload receipts from your desktop, another directory or directly from an e-mail to the invoice receipt book using drag & drop.

  • Drag the PDF file (up to 20MB in size) to any position in the invoice receipt book window

  • The document is classified as an incoming invoice and OCR recognition starts. During this time, the client is blocked for other processing (approx. 10 - 20 sec.).

  • The new invoice remains unprocessed in the invoice receipt book.

This procedure is suitable for the smallest number of documents (1-2), other methods are more effective for larger numbers.

Manual assignment of the document from Teamwork

The process is as follows:

  • You are in the open invoice receipt book. Click on the "From Teamwork" button at the bottom left

  • Select a document from a Teamwork collection

  • The document is classified as an incoming invoice and OCR recognition starts

  • Invoice is available unprocessed in the invoice receipt book

Document import

Under Organization > Open Scope > Document import , you can upload several incoming invoices at the same time:

  • You select the document type "Incoming invoice"

  • Drag and drop already digitized invoices from your computer into the "Upload documents" field or select them from Teamwork and choose Upload.

  • Then just click Save and start job.

  • The upload and OCR recognition starts server-based. You can close the form immediately and continue working.

  • After approx. 1 - 2 minutes, the documents with the selected document type Incoming invoice are available unprocessed in the invoice receipt book

A detailed description of the process can be found here.


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