Contact authorizations

In Scopevisio, you can individually set authorizations for access to customer and employee data in your contact management.

Show contacts

Select Contacts > All contacts. If you want to select specific contacts, you can set these in the selection field under Contact lists.

Create your own work lists if you only need a specific, filtered view of your contacts.

Show authorization column

Right-click on the column header, select Column selection and show the Permissions column by ticking the checkbox.

By default, the contacts are set to Public. If you want to change this, select the contacts you want to change with the mouse. Click on the triangle arrow next to Public.

Setting authorizations

The following form opens, in which you can set the authorization to Personal or User-defined.

If you click on Personal, only the person who created the contact in question will have access in future.

If you are not this person, the contact will disappear from your screen display . This may result in you losing access to the contact yourself.

If you click on User-defined, the User-defined rights section opens (see illustration).

Setting user-defined rights

Make the following settings in the Custom rights section:

  1. On the left, select profiles or people who are allowed to access the contact.

  2. Select Add to add them to the right-hand list of authorizations.

  3. Set the type of access under Type: Full access or Read only.

  4. To revoke access to a profile or user, select it in the list on the right and click Remove.

If you do not have the set profile, you will no longer be able to see the contact. This may result in you removing your own access to the contact.