Create sales project
If you want to identify sales potential with a new or existing customer or submit a quotation, first create a sales project.
This ensures that you can record, filter and analyze each sales transaction with its own weighting, risk assessment, BANT qualification, etc.
Select CTRL-N > Create sales project (or click on the puzzle stone symbol on the right in the old view).
In the new ribbon, select CTRL-N > Create sales project (alternatively also via the plus symbol).
The following numbering refers to the numbers in the illustration. Yellow fields are mandatory fields.
Use P/G to select whether a person or company represents the potential.
The triangular arrows at the end of a field open a selection list. However, you can also simply start entering a name and the auto-complete function will make suitable suggestions. The project name is created automatically if you do not enter one.
You can enter more information about the lead here.
If you enter a name that is not yet stored in contact management, a new contact with this name is automatically created. A duplicate check ensures that the same contact cannot be created more than once. The project name is filled in automatically.
The completed form can look like this, for example:
Using the buttons at the bottom of the form, you can add a new sales project, cancel the entry (if it has not yet been saved) or edit the sales project.
Click on Save (floppy disk symbol) to automatically add a project name and create the project.