DMS Teamwork: Manage folders

This form gives you an overview of all folders regardless of category.

You can access the form via the path Organization > Administration > DMS Teamwork > Manage folders .

Add a folder

An admin sees all folders, an internal user only sees the folders they have created themselves.

Click on "Add folder" to create a folder in the "Personal" category.

Name the folder and confirm with "Ok".

The new folder is displayed.

Rename a folder

If you would like to rename a folder, select it and then click on "Rename folder". This is only possible for folders of which you are the owner.

Rename the folder and confirm with "Ok".

Access authorization

In the "Access authorization" column, specify whether a folder should be subscribed to or not. Subscribed folders can also be viewed by other Teamwork users.

This right also only applies to folders that you own.

The view in Teamwork

Under the "Teamwork" call, folders created in this way are displayed under the "Personal" category.