DMS Teamwork: Manage user groups

Combine users into groups to share specific documents.

This function is only available to users with administrator rights.

Create group

You can create and manage user groups via Organization > Administration > DMS Teamwork > Manage user groups.

You can create new groups via Add (1). Click on the minus sign (2) to remove groups that are not required.

Enter the name of the new group in the pop-up window and then click on "Ok".

The new group is displayed.

If you want to rename it, click on the button with the same name, enter the new name in the pop-up window and confirm again with "Ok".

To add another member to a group, select the relevant group and click on "Add member".

In the list that appears, select the desired Teamwork user(s) (by holding down the Shift or Control key) and click on "Select".

The group members are now assigned to the group. You can remove them again by clicking on the minus sign.