Settings for the recapitulative statement (SR)

Settings for the recapitulative statement (SR)

You can use the Settings link to define the parameters for transmission and amount determination. In the upper section, you can enter some data such as your reporting VAT ID or the participating tax advisor.

In the lower table "Accounts relevant for the recapitulative statement", you can enter the relevant accounts whose postings are to be included in the recapitulative statement.
The Transfer assignment from VAT return button allows you to transfer the account assignment from the advance VAT return.

In newer instances, the tax bases are assigned using a more flexible tax key assignment, in which case the account assignment is incomplete.
Sales that are read via this table are initially always assigned the transaction type Delivery.

The alternative to account assignment is the "Tax codes relevant for recapitulative statement" table. Here the postings are determined by tax key, and it is possible to preset the transaction type depending on the key.


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