Value added tax (advance return)
Sales tax overview
In the overview, you set the year and the display period.
The overview table contains the corresponding submission periods with the submission date. Click on Open preregistration to access the form for the period. The link is only displayed if the period has postings.
Clicking on an entry in the "Last transmission date" column immediately shows you the transmitted values with transfer protocol and response XML from the tax office.
If postings were still made in this period after the advance VAT return was submitted, you will see a warning sign in the VAT status column, which draws your attention to the subsequent postings. This also includes the date of the last posting in this period.
In the Declarations section, you can
Create advance VAT returns and view sent advance returns with transfer log in the archive
Create recapitulative statements and view the sent statement in the archive
Call up the sales tax check and use the tax checklists from there
Submit an application for a permanent extension with calculation of the special advance payment.
If you move the mouse over the entries in the Notifications section, you will see a blue double arrow which provides access to further information. Right-click to open the window for further information.
Advance sales tax return
In this form, you set the registration period and set any indicators.
The taxation type is already defined in your settings in the Manage company area.
Start the transmission by clicking the Transmit to tax office button. Enter the path to your ELSTER certificate, the file name and your PIN and start the transmission by clicking on the corresponding button.
Important: For a successful transmission, your tax number must be stored under Organization > System administration > Manage company and your company address must be entered.
You have the option of automatically closing the posting periods when submitting the advance return for tax on sales/purchases. To do this, under System menu > Manage accounting > Company in the Tax office business object, set the value for Close periods on VAT submission to Yes. The submitted period remains open by default.