With a template, you call up a form directly, as with a favorite. In contrast to a favorite, however, you save all the data entered when you create the template. This also works if not all mandatory fields are filled in. This data is filled in when the template is called up in the form so that only a residual amount (the changeable data) has to be entered.
Creating a template
To save a form as a template, click (1) with the right mouse button on the form tab (the "tab") and select (2) Save as template.
A query field (3) opens in which you can give the template a meaningful name.
When assigning a name, it is advisable to specify the form or the type of template.
Examples: "Booking import office supplies" or "Cost center evaluation office supplies".
The new template is stored in the My templates area (4).
Templates for the dialog or batch booking screen and templates for import forms with freely assignable columns are particularly suitable, as the column sequence is also saved.
Calling up templates
To open the form with your settings, click on the workspace (1) and select My templates. The side ribbon opens with the "My templates" area.
Alternatively, you can click directly on the side ribbon tab (2).
Left-click to start the form.
If you have many templates, you can organize them with a simple folder structure. By right-clicking on My templates, you can create, rename and remove folders.
You can simply drag 'n' drop templates into these folders and sort them in this way.