Archive: Manage archived companies and cash registers
Some general information about the archive:
Storing data in the archive improves the performance of the system.
Archived companies can be restored at any time.
Archived companies require a license.
Removing or restoring companies and cash registers
If you want to permanently remove or restore companies and cash registers that have already been archived, go to System menu > Administration > Archive > Manage archived companies and cash registers. You are now in the archive. This is the only place where you can permanently remove companies or cash registers that you have previously archived via Organization > Administration > Companies > Manage companies of the instance: Archive can be permanently removed or restored.
Select the company or cash register you wish to remove and click Remove.
You can reactivate the selected company or fund from the archive using the Restore button.
Deleted data cannot be restored. Please check whether there is a data export for tax office audit purposes.