Funding pot administration

Funding pot administration

Creating a funding pot

The funding pot includes all funds that you have received from a source (contact, funding provider). This amount is collected in a passive balance sheet account.

Go to Finances > Investment promotion > Funding pot management

Create a funding pot via Add.

Assign a meaningful name and optionally a free identifier. Then assign a passive balance sheet account (e.g. 0949 in SKR03).

In the assigned balance sheet account, you must enter the relevant fields in the asset accounting area in the G/L accounts. For the reversal of the item, you must assign income accounts, not expense accounts, to the G/L account master.

Then enter the total amount of the item and the sponsor. You can access Scopevisio contact management to do this. Then determine the funding type (e.g. "public").

Create a contact with "Unnamed sponsor" (or similar).
This allows you to manage anonymous donations or spontaneous fundraising.

You can define a validity period for fixed-term funding and enter a penalty interest rate (for non-use) for information purposes.

Finally, you can attach a notification of support or another document and enter a descriptive text.

By saving, you return to the overview of funding pots.

Assign funding amount

You can now allocate the total amount of a subsidy pot to several fixed assets. We refer to this allocation as the subsidy amount. To assign a subsidy to an asset, double-click (or select and edit) the subsidy pot and select Add.

Just as you can fund different fixed assets from one funding pot, a fixed asset can also be funded from several funding pots.

The name of the subsidy is preset, as is the amount with the unused balance of the subsidy pot. However, you can edit this. Finally, you assign the fixed asset, select the acquisition date and can optionally enter a description.

If your fixed assets have been migrated, the subsidy amount entered represents the original subsidy amount (analogous to the AHK). In a further input screen, you can then enter the value of the subsidy amount that was still available at the time of transfer to Scopevisio (= depreciation start of the asset).

After saving, the available amount of the subsidy pot is reduced in the overview of the subsidy pot administration. At the same time, the subsidy is visible in the asset card of the subsidized asset in the additional form tab "Subsidy amounts".

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