Statement of changes in fixed assets

The statement of changes in fixed assets in accordance with Section 268 (2) HGB is part of the notes to a balance sheet. It provides an overview of the changes in value of the individual fixed asset items within the specified period.

The statement of changes in fixed assets

You can access the statement of changes in fixed assets under Finances > Asset reports > Statement of changes in fixed assets.

The statement of changes in fixed assets is presented in tabular form. It corresponds to the report or report item that was defined in the asset accounting master data.

The statement of changes in fixed assets is displayed in tabular form and corresponds to the structure of the balance sheet items. First select a financial year and a period.
Under View (or Level 1 .. 2 ..3), select the desired level, e.g. to see only the balance sheet structure with two levels (without accounts and inventories). You also have the option of displaying fixed asset accounts with zero values in the table.



Please note that depreciation is calculated up to the selected period. This is independent of whether the depreciation runs have already been posted!

In addition, you can view and edit the asset card of the asset selected in the table directly via the inventory number. In addition to the output standards, you can output the fixed asset schedule as a Word document or ODT file.

The output of the fixed asset movement schedule in Microsoft Word requires at least version 2007 of Word and the corresponding Microsoft .net framework (at least version 4.0).