Edit payroll number ranges

Edit payroll number ranges

Billing number ranges

Select Master data > Billing > Edit billing number ranges.

Click on the link of a number range to edit it, as shown below using the example of the number range for invoices (1).

You can create user-defined billing number ranges by clicking on the "Add" button (2).

Determine what the format of your invoice number should look like by editing the settings in the "Format" business object and then saving them.

Create your own billing number range as described above under (2). You can also determine the format yourself here.

Billing number range with invoice ranges

Provided that the invoicing areas are activated, an invoicing area can be stored in the customer (but also vendor) contact role (customer details business object). This invoicing area is pre-assigned directly when outgoing invoices are created for this customer.

If you want your billing document numbers to have "speaking names", you can add the placeholders for the billing area number or the billing area abbreviation to the corresponding number ranges.

You can also define billing number ranges in direct 1:1 dependency on billing areas. This allows you to generate consecutive billing numbers for the respective billing area.

To do this, create a user-defined number range as described above by clicking on the "Add" button. In the following form, select one of your billing areas, define the format and save your entries.

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