Purchase orders

Purchase orders

Click on Orders in the ribbon to see your current orders. In the overview filter, you can use the quick filter to filter for specific areas or define individual worklists for each area.




You can add, edit and duplicate orders in the overview table.

An individual order can be created manually or transferred from the order proposal.



Using the Add command on the left-hand side of the screen, we can add individual lines or transfer them from the product supplier area.

In the process from the order proposal, you can send this document directly according to the communication type stored in the contact (currently letter and e-mail).

If e-mail is preset, a form opens in which you enter the recipient, i.e. the supplier, enter your standard text for e-mail orders or compile it with text modules; you already know this from other Scopevisio functions. The standard texts are automatically used again and again, so you will have no more work in future. Your order is attached to the e-mail as a PDF file. One click on Send and you're done!

Sending also changes the status of the order, here the status follows an action, so that everyone can see that our supplier is aware of this order.

The next step in the process is for us to receive an order confirmation, i.e. our supplier confirms our order: Here it is important to check whether this information matches ours. By entering a confirmed delivery date, the status of the order changes to confirmed. The supplier's reference number or order number can also be overwritten in the comment or in the order number.

Importing orders

As a buyer for very large suppliers, I am sometimes contractually obliged to place orders in the supplier's online store. To avoid having to make duplicate entries here, we can transfer an order confirmation from your supplier to Scopevisio in a structured data format and write the order to Scopevisio from this without having to make the entries twice.

This gives you transparency as to which order will be received when, which parts of an existing order have already been delivered and which supplier will make which request and when.

The file name of the document to be imported can contain the following information:

<contact master ID> _<document date>_<document number>.csv

  • <contact master ID>_ (optional): The master ID of a contact that corresponds to a supplier

  • <document date> (required): The date of the purchase order in basic ISO-8601 format (YYYYMMDD)

  • _<document number> (optional): The (external) document number of the purchase order In the minimal representation


If the format cannot be recognized, the user must

select the contact corresponding to a supplier (required)

  • enter the document date (required)

  • enter the external voucher number (optional)

The location is always the default location selected by the user or can be selected in the formGoods receipts

We can transfer a transaction in the order to Delivery when we receive the associated delivery.

Order has been delivered in full

When an order is delivered, you can transfer it to a delivery from the purchase order.



Two things are then queried:

  • the delivery note number. This is important because it helps us later in the invoice receipt book (ReBu) to track and automatically check the supplier's incoming invoice, and to track which delivery you received what from the supplier. We do this for the clarity of the journal entry. The delivery note number must be entered manually.

  • the posting date. In most cases, this will be today.

Once this has been done, the order disappears from the open orders table and appears in the goods receipts table.

In operational practice, it is advisable to first check the quantity and quality of the delivery and then answer the question about the completeness of the order from the overview of orders in the Orders ribbon, as this can be done very quickly.

Order was delivered incompletely

Sometimes you do not receive all the goods ordered in one delivery. You will receive order items or quantities available from the supplier directly, others will be delivered later.

You can therefore only assign line items from the delivery received to the purchase order. These delivered items can be found in the list of goods receipts.

You can enter individual items for partial deliveries and reference them to the corresponding purchase orders using the purchase order comparison.

To do this, select the Goods receipts item in the ribbon to get an overview of your goods receipts. This always refers to the warehouse or location for which the order was created.

Open a goods receipt by double-clicking on a line in the overview of goods receipts.

You will see the details of the goods receipt, including the predecessor and successor document, if available. By clicking on Order comparison , you can determine the extent to which the goods receipt balances the corresponding order items. Any remaining quantities from the order that have not yet been delivered are displayed as not matched, order quantity - quantity delivered equals the remaining quantity of the order.

Go back to the goods receipt. You want to post the goods receipt to your warehouse. To do this, enter a posting date in the Further details business object and click on Post.

Note: After posting, you can no longer correct or change the comparison of the purchase order and goods receipt.

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