Incoming goods

Incoming goods

The goods receipt process is based on the documented result, i.e. we use documents such as the supplier's delivery bill and packing slip, but do not necessarily need this as a document in Scopevisio. For documentation reasons, the document can be assigned to the order. Depending on whether the order was delivered in full or in parts, we have different starting points: from the document to the order and thus start in the Scopevisio order, or from the product to the order, then we start in Scopevisio goods receipts:


Order has been delivered completely

When a purchase order is delivered, you can transfer it from the purchase order to a delivery.

Two things are then queried:

- The delivery note number. This is important because it helps us later in the invoice receipt book (ReBu) to track and automatically check the supplier's incoming invoice, and to track which products arrive with which delivery and in which quantities from which supplier. This ensures clarity in communication with your supplier.

- The delivery note number must be entered manually.

- the posting date. In most cases, this will be today.

Once this has been done, the order disappears from the open orders table and appears in the goods receipts table.

In operational practice, it is advisable to first check the quantity and quality of the delivery and then answer the question about the completeness of the order from the overview of orders in the Orders ribbon, as this can be done very quickly.

Order was delivered incompletely, partial delivery or backorder.

Sometimes you do not receive all the goods ordered in one delivery. You receive order items or quantities available from the supplier directly, others are delivered later, or backorders are delivered collectively.

You can therefore only assign individual items from the delivery received to the purchase order. These delivered items can be found in the list of goods receipts.

In the case of partial deliveries, you can enter individual items and reference them to the corresponding purchase orders using the order comparison function.

To do this, select the Goods receipts item in the ribbon to get an overview of your goods receipts. This always refers to the warehouse or location for which the order was created.

Open a goods receipt by double-clicking on a line in the overview of goods receipts.


You will see the details of the goods receipt, including the predecessor and successor document, if available.

By clicking on Order comparison , you can determine the extent to which the goods receipt offsets the associated order items. To do this, simply select the order(s) referenced by the supplier and add the quantity in the current quantity (shown here as the minimum quantity) to any quantity already allocated. In this way, we can assign partial deliveries to orders with maximum flexibility and thus always calculate the remaining quantities of the orders correctly. This also enables the clear identification of remaining quantities from the order that have not yet been delivered. Order quantity minus delivered quantity equals the remaining quantity of the order.

Go back to the goods receipt. You want to post the goods receipt to your warehouse. To do this, enter a posting date in the Further details business object and click on Post.

Note: After posting, you can no longer correct or change the comparison of the purchase order and goods receipt.

Note: Scopevisio's integrated approach supports you in calculating the delivery dates of your orders based on stock levels and order quantities, which is why it is important to keep careful track of open orders, open order quantities and delivery dates from suppliers in order to remain meaningful at all times.

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