Accounting - Value added tax
The sales tax section contains individual forms that you can also access via the menu item Sales tax or UVVA (Austria).
Sales tax overview
You can submit and view advance returns in the overview. The form is described in more detail under Value added tax (advance return).
Advance VAT return Germany (Elster)
You jump directly to the VAT form.
Value added tax overview Austria
analogous to Germany
Advance VAT return Austria (FinanzOnline)
analogous to Germany
Permanent extension / special advance payment
You open the corresponding form for transmission to the German tax office.
German recapitulative statement (§18a UStG)
The recapitulative statement form opens.
Austrian recapitulative statement (Art. 21 UStG)
Sales tax validation
You can use the VAT validation to check the accuracy of the accounting results. The verification supplements the advance VAT return. Check the plausibility of the information submitted or to be submitted.
The entries
Edit validation
Import/export of validation account assignment
belong to the sales tax validation (old). This form is no longer actively supported.
You can access the current sales tax validation via Open.
Sales tax validation (old)
See sales tax validation, this form is no longer actively supported.
Sales tax checklists
Various checklists provide you with detailed information.